when you pay for soup
at Spanish counter
please tip barista
& guide your friends home
or to a night of dancing
please bring singers to
palaces of musicians
and transfer street lives to long swimming pools
& golf lawns &
fine white whisky table
round, unchipped w/ floral engraving
if you want to hang out with us,
take off your badge and thro
w your gun in the river
[teeth like an artist]
December 14 2007, year 4
time: 5:44 am
music: the littlest birds--be good tanyas
bus: Aerop rt Beauvais Shuttle
Location: Paris, France
vision: average, but light dim
mood: excellent/high
money on person: 182 Euros
previous music: T-Rex
sleep: no
nationality of girl in front of me: Swedish
destination #1: Beauvais
#2: Madrid
#3: granada
#4: Karma Guen
#5: Hamburg
current music: phoenix in flight- Converge
pen: fall-winter pen
sleep: Thursday night: 0 hours
1 hr nap @ 6 pm